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Hiring for Summer 2025 will start in the new year.  Eager Camp Counselors and Umbrella Crew should reach out in early 2025.

The Details:


We are looking for people who are good role models with a genuine,

enthusiastic interest in other people, especially children and your co-workers.

We place a premium on interpersonal skills. Successful applicants will be open, honest, energetic and imaginative with an outgoing personality, a good sense of humor and not afraid to work hard.


Camp CBC positions start at $16 per hour.

Umbrella Crew positions start at $15 per hour.


Chappy Ferry Tickets will be provided to employees who do not live on Chappaquiddick.

2025 Staff Appreciation Fund potential earning includes

-sign-on bonuses for new and returning employees, 

- incremental bonus for working through your committed date

- additional bonus for working through Labor Day


While the job can start at a mutually agreed upon date in late June 

it is a job requirement for Camp CBC staff to work through

the end of Camp CBC, August 16, 2025

 Umbrella staff should be able to work through Labor Day, September 1, 2025.


Applicants for Camp CBC need to be at least 16 years old,

Umbrella Staff should be at least 14 years old, 


All applicants should be in good physical condition with no limitations,

and will need three written work references

and a personal interview to be hired.


Fluent English is expected of all applicants.


To Apply:


1. Read the Details (above) and FAQs (below) carefully


True fact, we receive hundreds of inquiries each year for only a few positions. 

When possible, please send your application and written references together. 

You may want to submit a written statement which would be

more meaningful than a 'form' cover letter many applicants provide.


2. Submit completed application form
and mail or email three written references.


These can be sent to or

37 Chappaquiddick Road

Edgartown, MA 02539


3. Once all of your application materials have been received,
you will be contacted regarding a personal interview.


As much as possible, interviews will take place on site at the Chappaquiddick Beach Club or by Zoom.



What do you mean, written work reference?

A recommendation, in writing, from a previous employer or teacher, which should contain a favorable statement concerning their opinion of your character and qualifications for the job you are seeking.  

Do I need a car to get to work?

No, but a bike is handy! 

The club is a 3 minute ferry ride and 5 minute walk and from Edgartown.

Employees who do not live on Chappaquiddick will be provided Chappy Ferry passenger tickets.


Why a personal interview?

 We feel that it is important to get a good 'snapshot of an applicant. 

It is equally important that the prospective employee get a good sense of the beach club. 

Our environment is unique and coming here can be useful in determining if it is the right one for you.

What is the uniform?

 Camp CBC and Umbrella staff will be provided with CBC t-shirts, sweatshirts and hats. 

Camp CBC staff will spend part of each day in the water

and so should provide their own one piece bathing suit.


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